PUBG Tips & Tricks | Unique Tips & Tricks(part 2)

PUBG Tips and Tricks

(Unique Tips)

Hope you liked part 1, if you missed it no problem here is Unique Tips & Tricks(part 1), in this post, I will give you some excellent pubg tips and tricks that you need to know as a pubg player, and it might help you get better at this game.

Tip number 1

Try to avoid getting into your enemy's pre-fire in close range; it's all about who fires first; for example, my opponent came into my crosshair and got instant knock while I was shooting at a different enemy. 

So whenever someone is pre-firing or shooting at you try to avoid peaking or engaging until they stop shooting and their weapon needs a reload, sometimes you don't even realize that you're getting pre-fired and you can't do anything about it.

Tip number 2

It is technically a glitch and cheating in my opinion, and I ended up adding it to the list because I think it's essential that players who are not using it will know and should be aware that players can see through walls like this and by bringing awareness there is a bigger chance it will get fixed.

This trick works in almost any type of house, you need to have a sofa or a table or a bed or some other similar type of structures that you can jump on, jump every five seconds don't do continuous jumps it won't work, you have to give five seconds gap between every jump, and once you know your enemy's location, you can rush with a pre-fire and kill them easily sometimes it doesn't work so wait for five seconds between every jump and place your crosshair at your head level, or you won't be able to see through walls and once you spot your enemy rush with a pre-fire and these trick can be patched at any moment.

Tip number 3

Here is a cool mind trick, suppose your enemy is hiding behind this tree or any obstacle or any cover, you have to place your crosshair on the target's left side.

This is because most players tend to peek right instead of left. After all, the right peek is so reliable and gives you much better angles. Let me show you an example; this is how the right peek behind a cover would look like, and this is how the left would look like when we compare them side by side :

You can see that the right peek has more field of view than left peek, so most of the players will use the right peek, so aiming left side will be productive. Placing your crosshair to the left side of your target and pre-firing will give you an advantage because these game characters are Right-handed if you observe.

Tip number 4

Here is a trick to get a free premium crate coupon, go to the lobby and search for blazing treasure and click on it now, you need to tap on this telephone thing and tap to open surprise you will get a crate coupon. Mostly this is an easter egg reward only for a limited time.

Some General Info

UAZ is the best vehicle in my opinion. It is the most robust vehicle in erangel the first main reason is that UAZ has the fast-starting speed compared to any other vehicle in an erangel map, using only the boost UAZ moves immediately giving you an ability to escape between gunfights, however, Dacia can reach higher speeds, but the most important thing is moving quickly. UAZ is by far the fastest vehicle.

 In the beginning, when we compare the vehicle speeds in backward or in reverse UAZ is the quickest vehicle; also, uaz outperforms every other vehicle when it comes to climbing up hills or some rough terrains, and Dacia is really bad at climbing up hills even other vehicles are not good as uaz. The crazy thing is that uaz accelerates at the same speed as usual when driving up hills in reverse gear. 

One of the reasons why uaz is such a  great vehicle is its ability to provide cover if you have a uaz you have a great cover wherever you end up and in duos and squads, you can carry multiple UAZs to create even more cover for your team, another main reason is that uaz is pretty hard to flip unlike buggy and bike even if you do manage to flip it will try to un-flip itself. The only disadvantage is that when tires are punctured, Dacia will move faster. 

If your enemy doesn't die, no matter how many bullets you shoot and you think your enemy got glitched, try to kill this glitched player with grenades or Molotov, it worked for me.

That's all for now

Hope you liked the post. 

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Till then stay healthy stay safe……Happy Gaming😁😁


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