PUBG Tips & Tricks | Gun Combination (2)

PUBG Tips and Tricks

(Gun Combinations-ft Loot Guns) 

I think I was mentioning too many airdrop weapons in part 1, if you missed it, here it is Gun Combination (1), and I also went into the flow and was very descriptive. It's better to stop saying about the airdrop weapons and keep the post short and crisp, as airdrop guns are tough to get for most players, so the next 5 combos will be easy to find. So in continuation to part 1, here we will start as number 6:

Number 6

M416 and UZI, you can also pair your M4 with vector if you like it, but, yes this combo is perfect, and we all know m4 is consistent weapon performs well in all the ranges so pairing m4 with UZI will make it more potent in close range 

Number 7

Here, you can also pair your DP with M762 if you want; it depends on your preference. Still, both weapons are useful in close range. Maybe as I said, the M762 is somehow better in close range if you could find the attachments; this weapon combo will also give you ammo synergy. 

We all know DP 28 is a reliable weapon for mid-range sprays and long-range sometimes; however, DP 28 is not bad at close range; it can still work fine by having almost the same damage of AKM. Still, it has a lower fire rate than most assault rifles, so you will have fewer chances of winning the fight against them. 

Number 8 

2*M416, this is a popular combo. M416 is so consistent with all the ranges that you can engage enemies in all the anges, and it performs perfectly, so this weapon's handling will be easy. You can use your primary M4 for close range with a laser sight or thumb grip attached to it plus a red dot and secondary M4 for mid and long-range with vertical or half grip and maybe with 3x or 4x, but you lack something at long range, especially against snipers.

Number 9 

S12k with M416. This is a shotgun and assault rifle combo, very underrated; you can use DP 28 instead of M416 if you want. Shotguns are known for being good at close range S12 K will give you the best performance in any shotguns, but the main disadvantage of using shotguns is that you will have a slight delay between every shot you fire so if you miss one shot then you will be at a massive disadvantage. Shotgun requires a lot of skills. A shotgun is a dangerous weapon in close range if you have a perfect aim, and if you can hit your shots consistently, then why not use a shotgun.

 Number 10 

This combo requires many attachments to perform at its best barrel is an excellent weapon for close-range, and SKS will handle the mid and long-range. Still, the problem is that these weapons will have high recoil if you can't control recoil, then you can use M416 and mini-14. They are a somewhat similar combo to them, and it will give you identical performance.

That's all for now

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Till then stay healthy stay safe……Happy Gaming😁😁


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